Wednesday, May 11, 2011

stop being so ACTIVE !

thursday - netball competition :) i WILL b da champion 4 my teammates

sunday - roller skating at SUNWAY avenue nearer subang jaya 

wed TO thurs - MIDterms .got eight papers. wish me luck
(2 weeks)

friday UNTIL sun - go to Pre-U level CAMP! yahoo baby

monday -  shopping wif wiggy n SIS . omg ! i cant wait they spend their MOneY for me.. HAHA.. i want 2pairs or wedges,1navy jacket , n long skirt.thnkyouuuuuuu busukkkkkk ! :)

okay, trt TO FOCUS my GOAL ! STPM lorrrr
STDY daaaa ~ 
my fb acc i will active back ..JUST WAIT it n i knw you'll keep always askin me da same question..arghh 
only for one month i deactive. why sooo SIBUKKKK ?? *mcm nenek laa -.-'